

Monitoring progress: key developments in national VET implementation

Strengthening the attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and making it an inspiring choice for learners and workers is among the European Unions (EU) top priorities. This objective aims to reduce skills shortages, better match skills to labour market needs, and ensure that individuals acquire the competences necessary to thrive in both the workplace and society.

Former Federal President of Germany Christian Wulff Visits AmaliTech in Ghana

On January 8, 2025, former Federal President of Germany, Christian Wulff, visited a Ghanaian branche of the German company AmaliTech. AmaliTech is a partner of the UN initiative "Decent Jobs for Youth," with a pledge to train more than 3,000 individuals in Ghana and Rwanda by the end of 2025 and create at least 1,000 jobs.

A future in a skilled craft or trade

Interested in a craft apprenticeship in Germany? Here are four facts in favour of the idea.

VET success stories

VET success stories

Four people in front of a drinking water treatment facility

Why German training providers?

German VET providers are experts for work-based training. They offer a broad range of services and products:

  • Consultancy on setting-up and managing training institutions and centers
  • Workshop design and equipment
  • Training and instructional material and media
  • Design and adaptation of business-oriented curricula and syllabi
  • VET programmes
  • Upskilling of the existing workforce
  • Train-the-trainer programmes
  • Development and installation of quality assurance systems in VET
  • Introduction of internationally recognized certification standards 
Who we are

Who we are

iMOVE is a networking platform initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in order to enhance international cooperation in VET between German training providers and international partners.

Logo of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
icon, text: Training in over 180 countries
icon, text: German training providers: 240 and more to come
label of iMOVE for members of the provider pool
iMOVE - at your service worldwide

iMOVE - at your service worldwide

iMOVE operates worldwide. Contact the iMOVE regional representatives in China and India directly.

At a glance – selected downloads

At a glance – selected downloads

Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners - 8 Case Studies

cover of the broshure

Hospitality and Tourism Sector

cover of the broshure

Digital Train-the-Trainer Solutions

cover of the broshure

Mobility and Logistics Sector