Academic transcripts, final certificates, and master craftsperson certificates

Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) honours 60 graduates

The sense of joy and pride was tangible in the assembly room at IHK headquarters in Wuppertal. Dr. Andreas Groß, Vice President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) was on hand to present 60 higher-level vocational education and training graduates from the first half of 2022 with their academic transcripts, final certificates and master craftsperson certificates.

These included one technical business management specialist, six management accountants, 14 personnel management specialists, 12 business administrators for passenger transport and mobility, 14 master craftspersons specialising in control and safety technology for railways, 10 industrial master craftspersons specialising in metalworking and three industrial master craftspersons specialising in electrical engineering.

Dr. Groß congratulated the graduates on their outstanding achievements and publicly acknowledged the fact they had successfully completed the very demanding higher-level vocational education and training examinations. He also thanked the volunteer examiners, without whom the examination would not have been possible. "They very often go unseen and are not given sufficient recognition by wider society despite them being the backbone of vocational education and training," explained Dr. Groß.

He finished by underlining the fact that the economy of the Bergisch region could not function without qualified skilled workers. Due to demographic and technological change, he added, there was already clear evidence of a skilled worker shortage today.

According to the IHK skilled worker monitor, a shortfall of 9000 skilled workers is already emerging, with the risk that this could rise to 29,000 in 2030. Both people with vocational qualifications as well as academics are needed.

Source: (website of newspaper in the German city of Wuppertal), revised by iMOVE, August 2022