Training of Trainers in South and Southeast Asia

You are kindly invited to join the iMOVE Online Presentation "VET on the move: Training of Trainers" for South and Southeast Asia on 17 November 2022.

three people look at a screen

Lifelong learning is now a reality, not just for students and apprentices but also for trainers. It is a practice - only if you keep learning, you will never forget what it is like to be a learner.

The Training of Trainers (ToT) is a high-level professional capacity-building process for qualified instructors, facilitators and supervisors. In order to have a real and inspiring impact on the learning processes and experiences of young people, trainers need to undergo comprehensive training measures themselves. These should be designed to develop or refresh the instructor's ability to run exciting and effective programmes.

Tailor-made ToT enables trainers to help apprentices and trainees move through different learning stages - to know, to understand and to do – and also to adapt their programme design to the different learning styles of their participants. Key is also to provide a safe learning environment and be in contact with all participants, their learning goals and concerns. Thus, they can help people accelerate their personal development, become more successful and self-confident, as well as set and reach new goals in life.

With this Online Event iMOVE wishes to facilitate new contacts to German training providers. Four organizations will showcase in short pitches their training offers to qualify training staff.

Bosch Rexroth Academy

Bosch Rexroth is a global industrial company and leading specialist in Drive and Control Technology, combining innovation and efficiency in our products and technologies.

At the Bosch Rexroth Academy, a practice-oriented portfolio of didactic solutions in the fields of Hydraulics, Automation and Pneumatics, setting benchmarks in the preparation of specialized and integrated know-how is offered. Trainings and training systems from Bosch Rexroth are precisely tailored to the qualification levels required by the industry, as well as educational institutions. Bosch Rexroth Academy is the education partner for high-end technical education on the exciting path of digital transformation.

BSK International

BSK International, founded in 2000, is an international non-profit educational organization that works with and on behalf of universities, educational authorities, government agencies and private educational institutions.

BSK International provides and conducts Train-the-trainer courses (for example smart manufacturing, industry 4.0, robotics, civil engineering, hotel management, business administration), language and vocational training courses and university courses (for example engineering and economics in English and German). BSK International places qualified foreign workers with German employers and takes care of all the necessary formalities. All programs can be offered in the native languages of the participants.

Central Agency for Continuing Vocational Education and Training in the Skilled Crafts (ZWH)

The ZWH is a service provider for all vocational training facilities in Germany's entire skilled crafts sector. Its supporting members are the regional chambers of skilled crafts and the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH). "Future – Further Education – Skilled Crafts" is the mission statement that has been guiding the activities of the ZWH since its foundation in 1998.

ZWH's international product portfolio includes individual consulting services for public and private actors in education in partner countries interested in developing and adapting appropriate structures to implement dual vocational education and training. Consulting is carried out with the help of innovative analysis and planning tools that to date have not been available on international markets in education.

In addition, ZWH offers the IVET-Trainer, an innovative course that integrates the qualification of in-company trainers, vocational school teachers and managers of vocational training institutions. Participants are introduced to the system of dual vocational education and their individual roles as professional educators within that system. They learn interactively how to plan, implement and complete action-oriented vocational training. During group work participants apply theoretical knowledge of employee management and communication.

bbw Hochschule

Founded in 2007, the bbw Hochschule is a private, state-recognised university with headquarters in Berlin (Germany) and a branch in Venice (Italy). Today, with over 1,200 students (as of summer semester 2022), bbw Hochschule is the largest private university in the Berlin-Brandenburg region and offers a wide variety of degree programmes in the fields of education and social sciences, economics, engineering and industrial engineering. Through the Berlin-Brandenburg Business Associations (UVB) and renowned companies such as Siemens, Mercedes Benz, OTIS, KPMG and Alstom as holders of the bbw Hochschule, the bbw Hochschule stands for a close integration of research and teaching with industry.

The English-language Master's programme "International Technical Vocational Education and Training (ITVET)" is offered in the Department of Education and Social Sciences. Individual modules from this four-semester course can also be taken as train the trainer certificate courses with ECTS credits and then a Master's degree can be obtained step by step. Practical components can be taken at the bbw Akademie's own vocational school. In addition, the bbw Academy also offers train-the-trainer courses on topics such as "Subject Didactics for Metal and Electrical Occupations and/or Carpentry" in Germany and abroad.

In 10-minute pitches, these training providers showcase their ToT programs. After each presentation there will be a five-minute slot for questions.

Participants will get an overview of German training offers and both sides can establish direct contact with each other.  



Date: 17 November 2022

  • Start 10:30 a.m. (CET), End 12:00 a.m. (CET)
  • Start 3:00 p.m. (IST), End 4:30 p.m. (IST)

Registration deadline: 16 November2022

Costs: Participation is free of costs. Registration is mandatory.

Please observe our terms and conditions.

Register now via GoToWebinar

Terms and conditions, dates

Terms and conditions, dates


17 November 2022

  • Start 10:30 a.m. (CET), End 12:00 a.m. (CET)
  • Start 3:00 p.m. (IST), End 4.30 p.m. (IST)

Number of participants

no limit

Target Group

The iMOVE Online Presentation is targeted at representatives of industry and of educational and training institutions as well as all other interested parties from South and Southeast Asia.


  • Participation is free of costs.
  • Registration via registration form is mandatory.


  • deadline: 16 November 2022
  • Your registration will be confirmed via email.
  • For details of your participation please see your registration confirmation.

Technical information

  • The whole event will be in English.
  • The event will be conducted via GoToWebinar.
  • In due time before the event you will receive an email with the login credentials.
  • Please make sure that your email address is valid and please check your junk emails.


Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
iMOVE: Training - Made in Germany
Robert-Schuman-Platz 3
53175 Bonn

Further terms and conditions

In case a registered person cannot participate, another person can be appointed to take part.

The organizers reserve their right to cancel the event in case of inhibiting factors which they are not responsible for.

Please see information on privacy policy