VET on the move: Renewable Energies and Cleantech across Sectors in India

On 14 September 2023, four German training providers presented their training offers on "renewables and cleatech". Over 50 participants took part in the online event. The event was mainly targeted at training parners from India.

man in safety clothing on a construction site

The online event was the seventh part of the iMOVE series "VET on the move".

The expansion of more sustainable technology models and more eco-friendly energy supply will play a major role for climate protection in the future. Sustainability today is a quality charactistic and indispensable in many sectors due to customer expectations.

All over the world, companies are more and more under pressure to prove the sustainability of their products and services. And it is very helpful if qualified staff possesses competencies in sustainability and can generate sustainable solutions for their employers. Future-oriented technologies offer opportunities for future-oriented jobs.

In order to reach their self-imposed sustainability goals, international customers today prefer to commission providers who can help them in this field. This also applies to vocational education and training.

Due to the great number of interested participants in the iMOVE event on "climate-friendly technologies and renewables" last year, iMOVE now offered another opportunity to get in direct contact with training providers with solutions for the renewables and cleantech sector.

With this online event iMOVE facilitated new contacts to German training providers. Four organizations showcased their training offers in the field of renewables and cleantech.


Christiani is a well-known player in the area of technical education in Germany and internationally. It stands for high-quality and hands-on equipment and services. During the 90+ years of its existence Christiani has become provider of solutions for all levels of technical teaching and training.

Through its Joint venture subsidiary "Christiani Sharpline" in India, it aims to introduce the German way of learning and Technical vocational skills to fill the gaps in industrial and technical education through specially designed training programs and competence enhancement products.

The product range of Christiani Sharpline Technical Training (CSTT) covers training equipment and didactic concepts in the fields of Industry 4.0, Automation Technology, Electronics, Mechatronics, Mechanics, Automotive/E-Vehicle Technology Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)/ Sanitation and Renewable Energies and provides state-of-the-art hardware and comprehensive didactics for instructors and trainees from one single source.

Festo Didactic

Festo Didactic offers training solutions to qualify workforce to integrate sustainability into their strategic planning and putting in place concrete methods to achieve specific environmental sustainability goals, such as resource optimization, waste reduction, pollution prevention, and carbon footprint reduction by proposing state of art training solutions in topics like decarbonization, energy transition, energy efficiency, industrial electrification, eMobility, renewable energies, smart grid, and sustainable manufacturing, apart from our wide range of technical qualification solutions in mechanics, Mechatronics, electrical engineering, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), in combination with digital training contents as well as workforce development.

Heinze Academy

Heinze Academy is a leading German, but globally active institute for up- and reskilling in technical training. Practical orientation and an extensive industry-network are characteristic for the company, which was founded in 1937 in Hamburg.

Heinze Academy presented its qualification activities in hydrogen as well as lithium ion cell technology, two strongly growing industries with a massive global lack in skilled professionals.

LD Didactic

LD Didactic supplies training solutions for science and technology since 1850. In the portfolio there are several teaching solutions on all aspects of renewable energies and green economy for different level of students from high school up to university.

The solutions are customizable for complexity and therefore simple to adjust for the individual needs like the package on green hydrogen. All solutions are part of the complete ecosystem LeyLab to organize the different lab and their contents.

Pitches and Questions

The panelists presented their training offers as pitches of about 10-minute length and answered questions afterwards in so-called breakout sessions. iMOVE organised, realised and moderated the 90-minute event which was conducted in English and was broadcast via WEBEX.