Follow the online presentation including the pitches of the four German training providers.
Online Presentation: Bridging Courses for India
On 19 November 2020, four German training providers presented their offers of preparation courses for skilled labour and future apprenticies from India, who intend to work or train in Germany.

82 participants, mostly representatives from Indian industry and training institutions, had registered for the event.
On 1 March 2020, a new law called "Skilled Immigration Act" came into effect in Germany. Now, it's easier for skilled workers with vocational, non-academic training from non-EU countries to migrate to Germany in order to work. According to the new rules, those interested in receiving vocational training are also able to come to Germany to find a training place.
A great number of German training providers offer bridging courses to further qualify already trained staff and to prepare young men and women for an apprenticeship in Germany with regard to learning the German language and acquiring intercultural as well as specific professional know-how.
Christina Beer from adiungo presented a platform for international skilled workers and German employers, which helps to train graduates and professionals for the German job market and enables a smooth relocation to and successful career start in Germany. The company adiungo focuses on connecting employers and employees to form sustainable matches. High-quality e-learning is complemented by individual coaching and help with the job search. Most customers come from the automotive sector.
Jens Kayser from bbw International presented a training package which includes selecting and preparing young Indians for dual vocational training courses in German companies as well as placing them with suitable employers where they can acquire fully recognized qualifications. bbw International has been working with Indian partners since 2012, cooperates with local experts and is in contact with a large network of German employers.
Dr. Matthias Jung from IIK Düsseldorf/Berlin showed how his company organizes the acquisition of the German language and the cultural preparation in the context of skilled labour programmes via a "hybrid" combination of local classroom teaching and a Germany-based digital supervision very flexibly – after departure and upon entry, while working or training. The Institute for International Communication (IIK) is presently responsible for the language training in a double degree program which links German and South Indian universities of applied sciences.
Dr. Tina Heinze from Tonify – Language and Literacy gUG introduced her language school and charity which offers general as well as medical German language training in a virtual classroom. Her tailor-made trainings are interactive and encourage collaboration.
Pitches and Questions
The panelists presented their training offers as pitches of about 10-minute length and answered questions from the audience immediately after their presentations. They concentrated on their experiences with Indian partners and Indian training demands and also demonstrated live the functions of their learning platforms.
iMOVE organised, realised and moderated the 90-minute event which was conducted in English and was broadcast via GoToWebinar. During the presentations, the audience could pose question online and also request the contact data of the panelists, which were in high demand.
A final survey of the participants showed that 75 per cent of them considered the presentations interesting and useful. Further 20 per cent held the opinion that the presented information might be of interest for them in the future.