Jobs, wealth and individual well-being depend on what people can do with what they know. There is no shortcut to equipping people with the right skills and to providing them with opportunities to use their skills effectively. If there’s one lesson the global economy has taught us, it is that governments cannot simply spend their way out of a crisis.
On 5 June 2014, the Instituto Tecnológico Superior ADA (ADA-ITS) and Lufthansa Technical Training signed a contract in Sevilla at the Aerospace & Defense Meeting. The contract governs the use of Lufthansa Technical Training's iPad app "LTT viewer" to provide next-generation training to the institute's course participants.
More people worldwide are working in the informal than in the formal sector. In this interview Dr Richard Walther, senior consultant with the French Development Agency (AFD), tells us what it means to work in the informal economy, why investment in the sector is necessary to overcome the poverty of the developing countries, and how vocational training systems should be reformed in order to meet the needs of the sector.
For the first time since the country began its rash political transition, the Myanmar Journalism Institute (MJI) will be offering a professional training program for journalists - with support from DW (Deutsche Welle) Akademie.
"Practically unbeatable" - this is the slogan under which vocational education has been advertised in Germany for the past years. Against the background of high rates of youth unemployment in many countries, the export of the successful German dual system of vocational education and training is a hotly discussed approach. Now, the IHK organisation launches its implementation.
"Many young people aren't even aware of the possibilities and career opportunities opened up by occupational qualification. We have to do more to get young people interested in the advantages of vocational education and training."
European policy-making in vocational education and training (VET) needs to be supported by sound quantitative information. Cedefop has selected a set of 32 statistical indicators to quantify key aspects of VET and lifelong learning, based on their policy relevance and importance for achieving the Europe 2020 objectives.
The German Ambassador Peter Wittig met with Iowa Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds in Washington in May to discuss skills training in businesses in the Midwest.