News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports excellent continuing VET concept

"LBT Forward" is one of 17 projects to have successfully made it through the national innovation competition

How VET throughout Germany is to be changed from Ulm

The Ulm Chamber of Crafts and Trades impressed the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with an exceptional training concept – and it was accepted. As a result,  funding worth millions is on its way to Ulm.

Karliczek: We are shaping local futures with education and training

The Federal Ministry of Education is providing immediate support to municipalities in their work on education and training with two innovative projects.

Qualifications for Future – climate change as an occupation

Off to a sustainable start with dual training occupations 

"I view the world in a different way"

33-year-old Marcel Kunze from Derne, Germany, has been deaf since birth. He is only able to work with the help of a hearing prosthesis. He had actually wanted to retrain as a train driver but it all turned out differently.

When supported, part-time training produces successful outcomes

Part-time training is also an option but is rarely used. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has taken a look at the structures and developments. 

Refugees in Essen learn how wind power works

In the "Empower refugees" project, refugees have completed their training at the KWS PowerTech Training Center. Employment prospects are good. 

Parents have a key role to play in the choice of occupation

The career fair "parentum online" is directed at young people looking for a training position or a university place. Parents however are encouraged to accompany them as they make their way around the virtual fair.

Job and university in one - dual study courses provide this

Does combining a job and studying on a dual study course lead to too much stress, or is it the perfect start in the world of work? The model offers plenty of benefits for students and those setting out on their careers.