Wuppertaler Kreis e. V. is an association of the leading continuing education and training providers in the economy. Midway through the year it regularly publishes its trend study on company-based continuing education and training.
According to the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training's database "AusbildungPlus", 47 dual courses can currently be combined with the training occupation.
On 1 July 2020, at the start of Germany's presidency of the EU Council, the EU Commission proposed a council recommendation to support vocational training and continuing education. The proposals are intended to strengthen vocational education and training in Europe.
The digital transformation is posing new challenges for skilled workers and managers in terms of corporate governance. The Professional School of the Leuphana University Lüneburg is using an online certificate course to provide the opportunity of training for these duties alongside a career.
Hamburg has excelled in the federal competition "Shaping the future – innovations for excellent vocational education and training (InnoVET)". The contribution of the Hamburg Institute for Vocational Education and Training (HIBB) is among the 17 projects selected in the InnoVET competition run by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The teaching staff involved in continuing education and training are the key factor in ensuring that adult and continuing education and training can be delivered to a good standard and that participants, institutions and clients are able to achieve their goals.
The joint project entitled "Clou future cluster - innovative vocational education and training" is among 17 selected for support in the federal project "Shaping the future – innovations for excellence in vocational education and training (InnoVET)".