News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Trends and prospects for continuing education in the National Report on Education 2020

The current issue of the National Report on Education “Education in Germany 2020” was presented at a press conference in Berlin

Siemens, BMZ, and MSDE launch IGnITE to promote industry relevant technical education

Indo-German Initiative for Technical Education (IGnITE) is an initiative aimed at promoting industry relevant high-quality training and technical education.

Dual study courses continue upwards trend

BIBB presents evaluation of the "AusbildungPlus" database

Bade: "Greater innovation in vocational education and training"

InnoVET jury proposes chamber of crafts and trades project to promote excellence in vocational education and training

VET Alliance discusses implementation of the federal programme "Safeguard vocational training places"

The cabinet has approved the key elements of the federal programme "Safeguard vocational training places" and in doing so is acting on the agreement of the Alliance for Initial and Continuing Education and Training of 26 May 2020. 

IHK survey shows continuing education and training is on the rise

The coronavirus crisis has shifted the focus even more on to vocational education and training. A survey by the Swabia Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) shows that, for companies in the areas of production, commerce and services, employee training has not just been a high priority since the lockdown. 

Companies must explore new horizons for trainee recruitment

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training expects fewer than 500,000 new training contracts for 2020 – this would be 25,000 less than the previous year. The federal government's stimulus package is only of limited help as it remains difficult to find new trainees. 

"It is time that we rethink everything we know and understand about education"

Interview with Dr. Dhiravat Bhumichitr, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Federal Republic of Germany, on the current situation (corona pandemic) and future perspectives of VET in Thailand

Off to a sustainable start with dual training occupations

Environment Day was 5 June. Dual training occupations present a wide range of opportunities for working in the area of environmental and climate protection. Many of these occupations were categorised as system-relevant in the coronavirus crisis.