News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Certificates - industrial clerks visit London for vocational education and training

Forty-four aspiring industrial clerks from classes 11a, 11b and 11c at the Kaufbeuren state vocational school spent 3 weeks in London on a vocational learning visit. This is the 13th time the visit has taken place.

World championships of vocational skills

WorldSkills 2019: How Germany's candidate for polymechanics is training

Clean up for a skilled trade

New training regulations for industrial cleaners

20 years of ProRegion: airport foundation for the promotion of vocational education and training celebrates its anniversary

The airport Foundation "ProRegion" is 20 years old. With the change in the training landscape, there has been increased focus on issues such as vocational and social integration as well as the vocational guidance provided to young people. Each year the foundation supports around 30 to 40 projects.

How do I become a well builder?

When thinking about the occupation of well builder for the first time, garden fountains might well spring to mind. The reality is quite different. These specialists ensure water supplies by drilling many metres down into the earth to provide drinking water from great depths.

"Karliczek meets…" a future vocational skills world champion?

They are the best in their specialism - and are competing at the world championships of vocational skills. Federal Minister of Education and Research Karliczek met with the German "WorldSkills" team in Berlin. "They represent the outstanding level of vocational education and training 'made in Germany'," she explained.

Peter Mertes is one of Germany's best training companies

For the second year in a row, the Peter Mertes winery has been named one of the best training companies in Germany. This is the conclusion of the latest study conducted by the Institute for Management and Economic Research on behalf of Deutschland Test and the business magazine FOCUS MONEY.

Georgia Runs First Dual Vocational Education Qualification Exam

On 10-11 July 2019, for the first time, a Qualification Exam for students of the dual vocational education program in 'Viticulture-Winemaking' took place in Georgia. The dual vocational education program is implemented with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Deutsche Post DHL supports Teach For All network in Colombia

Deutsche Post DHL Group has begun supporting Enseña por Colombia, a member of the global Teach For All network that recruits and develops future leaders to teach in countries with under-resourced schools and communities.