News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Digitally educated

Tablet and internet instead of blackboard and chalk: three good examples of how young people are learning to handle digital media confidently.

New apprenticeship as management assistant in e-commerce

A cross-branch training occupation for the booming online trade sector.

Peer Learning Platform 2018

Vocational education and training (VET) experts and politicians from China, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and the USA discuss with their German partners at the panel of the Digital Forum of didacta 2018 in Hanover.

Create job prospects for young people

Welthungerhilfe (German Non-Governmental Organization, NGO) and local partners offer the "Skill up!" training programme in several countries and create prospects for young people in developing countries.

Germany: Challenges and Opportunities for Vocational Schools

Demographic change, ongoing digitalisation of the world of work, the trend towards higher level school leaving qualifications and an increasingly heterogeneous group of learners: all these are challenges that dual vocational education and training (VET), including vocational schools, need to meet.

Apprenticeship and automotive skills: the UK, Germany and Spain compared

CVER's Hilary Steedman and colleagues have been looking at training in one area of the automotive sector.

GOVET at the re:publica 2018

GOVET, the German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training, will be present at the re:publica in Berlin between 2 and 4 May to inform visitors about international cooperation in vocational education and training in the era of digitalisation. Follow GOVET on the web and ask questions about the working worlds of the future.

The IMC Learning Suite in New Zealand

How KiwiRail revolutionises their digital training: Kiwi ingenuity meets German Engineering.

German-Thai Dual Excellence Education Program

Mercedes-Benz presents German-Accredited Certificates to Graduates of Automotive Mechatronics Technician (AMT) Dual Training Program.