News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Building bridges in the primary labour market

Standardised certificates make it easier for people with disabilities to find work

The Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce build bridges for improved education and training

From a career route app to a research container, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) provides €15 million to fund qualification projects for young people

Wanka: Business must do more for refugee training

Ten thousand young refugees should be made ready for the German labour market by means of vocational education and training. The Minister for Education is pleased that some activity is already under way in the skilled crafts. However, Wanka also addresses the problems.

45 Omani students awarded with training certificates at GUtech

Under the auspices of Her Excellency Dr. Muna Bint Salim Al Jardani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Manpower, 45 Omani students from the Duqm Training Initiative (DTI) were awarded with training certificates at the campus of the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech). The majority of the trainee graduates were females.

Gabriel: "Make it in Germany" has its ten millionth visitor

The online platform "Make it in Germany", for people interested in migrating to Germany, has been a complete success. 10 million visitors - 90 per cent of which are from abroad - have already made enquiries on this welcome portal for living and working in Germany. The portal is funded by the Department for Economic Affairs.

If there are problems with training, trainees can find help here

For some trainees everything runs smoothly when they start training. Vocational school, the boss and colleagues are all fantastic. However problems do occur now and again. It may be the case, for example, that this is the wrong occupation. What then?

Don't just look at formal vocational qualifications

The Employment Agency provides work. But to what extent does life and job experience benefit when starting a new job?

Master's level vocational education and training

177 successful graduates of professional development training from the Lower Franconia Chamber of Crafts and Trades (HWK) have earned diplomas. The Chamber announced that 36 of them were also awarded the Bavarian state government's master craftsman prize.

District cooperative looks back over 10 years of successful work

Preparing young people with disabilities for working life