In light of the publication of the 2016 Report on Vocational Education and Training, the German Retail Federation (HDE) is emphasising the crucial importance of vocationally qualified skilled workers for the continuing effectiveness of the retail sector.
Significantly higher rates for vocational education and training assistance and training benefit with effect from 1 August 2016. Trainees undertaking dual vocational education and training or a vocational preparation scheme will have noticeably more money in their pockets in future.
Achim Dercks, Deputy Managing Director of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) believes that everyone involved benefits if young people have a clear idea of what is in store for them before they begin training.
The times in which companies were able to select their next apprentices from a seemingly never-ending flood of applicants are in the past. This is all due to demographic developments – the fact that there are fewer young people means that there are fewer up-and-coming skilled workers. Many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to fill their training places, particularly in the East. It is not rare for places to remain vacant. What can be done to counter this shortage of trainees? Four examples.
The Centre of Excellence for Securing Skilled Workers (KOFA), which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), has conducted a study entitled "Occupations with upgrading training – between skilled worker shortages and digitalisation". This arrives at the conclusion that Germany is suffering from an increasing lack of skilled workers who have completed upgrading training, such as master craftsmen, technicians and certified senior clerks.
Germany's company-based vocational education and training system is an object of envy for many Europeans. As has been demonstrated at a conference in Brussels, companies are indispensable to apprentice training.
Interior Minister, Roger Lewentz, has approved a state grant of roughly 140,200 Euro to the Rhineland-Pfalz/Ruanda e. V. (Rhineland-Palatinate/Rwanda) partnership association for two vocational education and training centres and a primary school in Rwanda.
Today, bicycles are lifestyle products containing an increasing amount of technology. This is why, today, bicycle mechanics are known as mechatronic technicians for two wheeled-vehicles. The job has a future.
The facts are sobering. Whereas Germany's universities are bursting at the seams as they attempt to accommodate around 2.8 million students, interest in vocational education and training is in constant free fall. Reforms and financial improvements have now been made to the Upgrading Training Assistance Act in order to send out a signal to young people that apprenticeship occupations also provide plenty of opportunities for advancement. The emphasis now will be more on upgrading training rather than on training leading to a master craftsman qualification. Will this help?