The iMOVE website is the central communications platform for international partnerships in the field of vocational education and training. Via the internet, iMOVE promotes cooperation in the education sector. The initiative also gathers and provides information on training opportunities and fosters communication between German training providers and interested parties worldwide.
The iMOVE Provider database is one of the central services in this context. It includes more than 200 corporate profiles of German companies in the education sector. From now on, interested parties can not only select potential partners with concrete training measures on offer, but also consulting firms which focus on thoroughly informing its clients about appropriate training strategies and how to implement them.
With this new selection feature, iMOVE stays abreast of the latest trends in international training demands. More and more international requests focus on a combination of training services, including e. g. planning and building a training institution plus developing adequate curricula and designing training of trainers programmes. Especially in the face of complex training needs, education consultants can help make the right choices.
Special Focus: iMOVE Provider database now also features education consultants
iMOVE Provider database
Source: iMOVE