Federal Education Minister wants more journeymen and master craftsmen to attend German universities

"In practice, there still remain unnecessary obstacles such as entrance examinations", said the German Federal Education Minister Johanna Wanka. "If we were to reduce these, we could surely motivate even more people to attend university." At the same time, the minister demanded opening up the vocational education and training system for university drop-outs.

"There ought to be more recognition in both directions", said Wanka. "People choosing to quit university without a degree should have part of their achievements recognised towards an apprenticeship; this, for instance, is something I am currently discussing with the chambers of commerce."

Since 2009, the federal state ministers for education have been increasingly opening the doors for university entrance. According to data by the "Centre for Higher Education", 32,000 students are currently enrolled at universities without holding a university entrance qualification or university of applied sciences qualification.

The various German federal states have individual, differing rules for university access for journeymen and master craftsmen.

Source: focus.de, revised by iMOVE, September 2013