The State Vocational College Illertissen has bid farewell to 154 graduates. The graduates now embarking on their career in the economy comprise 34 office management assistants, 26 sales assistants, 38 retail management assistants, 28 industrial management assistants, one parts processor, two machine and equipment operators, 12 industrial mechanics and 13 state-certified assistants for nutrition and supply.
Director Josef Petz began his graduation ceremony speech by quoting the words of the former UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld: "Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road." He continued to say that the graduates chose the path of dual vocational education and training and pursued it to its conclusion. Having reached their goal, new paths now open up.
He said that some already have contracts signed, whereas others are not yet as far. "Just as the seafarers of the sixteenth century used the stars for orientation and departed to distant lands without further means of navigation, you are to imagine your professional future in your mind's eye." In doing so, he said, the words by Hammarskjöld are to provide guidance. "Yet now is a time for celebration, for the achievements are good cause for being proud."
Eight times a clear-cut A
Source:, revised by iMOVE, October 2013