Since nearly 60 years, the CJD Zehnthof Essen offers education programmes for young and also adult people that are tailored to demand. Of particular importance as well as an invaluable advantage: the co-operation with numerous public body clients, with the chamber of industry and commerce and other businesses that are active within the industry and therefore can offer apprenticeship placements, permanent employment or at least temporary jobs.
"Nobody must be left behind!" This is the vision or basically the credo providing the basis for all pedagogic activity at the Christian Youth Villages (CJD - Christliche Jugenddörfer) and thus of course also at the Zehnthof. "Here, interested parties find competent contact persons with many years of experience in advisory services, support and placement for people seeking help and employment", says the Essen-based team. They are a recognised body for the promotion of occupational continuing education according to the AZWV continuing education recognition and accreditation regulation.
At present, some 400 young people and adults are supported, supervised and trained at the CJD Zehnthof, in order to be placed, if possible, in the regular employment market with the help of the placement agency "Sicherer Start - Chancen geben" (Safe Start - Providing Opportunities), which is also funded by the youth authorities. Moreover, four pedagogic professionals provide advice in all questions regarding the topic of help for pregnant women and families and, as needs may be, help to find suitable midwives and paediatric nurses. A pleasant and important side effect: mothers-to-be and families do not incur any costs.
More education, more opportunities
Source:, revised by iMOVE, October 2013