In co-operation with the Pflegeteam Wentland nursing care enterprise in Rheinbach, the Federal Employment Agency Bonn/Rhein-Sieg hosted a press conference in the context of the action week "Geriatric Nursing" in late October. The aim was to raise awareness for the continuing education and promotion opportunities in the nursing care professions and to provide information regarding occupational retraining and qualification programmes.
Two employees of Pflegeteam Wentland provided insights into their work in the field of home care nursing service. As role models, their intention was to encourage others toying with the idea of embarking on a career in the field of nursing care. According to the Federal Employment Agency, men are particularly welcome, because as yet staff in the nursing care profession tends to be mostly female, usually older and often employed in part-time contracts.
Marie-Christine Jüliger (23) from Rheinbach completed her apprenticeship at Pflegeteam Wentland in 2010 and since that time has been working as a geriatric nurse in the fields of alternative living and intensive care. "It is nice to observe the progress," she said; for example, when somebody once again learns to button up his or her own shirt.
In spite of having become a mother, nursing care manager Simone Wilbertz (33) has taken on a managerial position. After two years of professional experience, she completed several continuing education courses, qualifying first as a practical instructor, then as a wound expert and ultimately as a nursing care manager. Before becoming manager of a 30-head strong team at Wentland, she completed an in-company trainee programme. In this programme, she received communication and leadership training; in the programme section self-care, she furthermore learned how to take good care of herself.
Already, the demand for skilled labour in the nursing care industry is huge; in future, it is expected to substantially further increase. According to forecasts by the North-Rhine Westphalia Federal State Statistical Office, the number of persons aged 65 or more will increase by nearly a third until 2030.
The situation will be further aggravated by the fact that about 30 per cent of skilled personnel in the geriatric care profession will retire in the coming years. "We are permanently on the lookout for good skilled personnel", emphasised also Matthias Wentland, General Manager Personnel. According to the Federal Employment Agency Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, 179 geriatric care posts currently remain unstaffed in its area of authority.
Great demand for nursing care professionals
Source:, revised by iMOVE, January 2014