"Turned my hobby into a profession"

During a career guidance project week, an information event regarding the dual system of vocational education and training was hosted at the Markgrafen Realschule in Emmendingen. Thanks to the BBQ initiative (Berufliche Bildung Qualifikation - Vocational Education Qualification), which was established by the Finance and Economy Ministry in Stuttgart, four young vocational education and training ambassadors from the region were asked to tell the ninth grade students about their professional careers.

A dual system vocational education and training programme is an apprenticeship in the classical sense - as is the case for vocational education ambassador Mario Braun from March, who studies three weeks at the vocational college and then in turn works for his employer for three weeks.

The purpose of the project is to raise enthusiasm amongst students for a dual vocational education and training programme. Klaus Konrad from the BBQ explains that due to the demographic change the number of apprentices and employees in trade businesses is declining. BBQ tries to counteract this trend by informing students about the opportunities that a dual vocational education and training programme offers.

In Emmendingen, the vocational education ambassadors presented three different occupations. Lukas Hauser (20, Endingen) and Maximilian Singler (17, Elzach) have chosen the occupational field of electronics technician - and have landed a job at the Sick company in Waldkirch. They say that the focus here is not on school performance but on interest and fun. "Grades are not everything", said Singler. "I turned my hobby into a profession."

Tamino Huls (19, Herbolzheim) had a different motivation when he chose the occupation of health carer and nurse: he wants to help other people. In applying for the job, good grades were important, yet also a strong personality and a marked capability for working under pressure.

After attending a vocational college, Mario Braun (21, March) decided to enter a mercantile profession. A good school leaving certificate is important, he says, in order to increase the chance of being invited to job interviews. Now he is a budding banker, commuting between school and counter. "I like going to vocational college", he says. "My performance at the vocational business school is better than at the comprehensive school."

The vocational education ambassadors advised the ninth graders to first find out about their strengths and interests by way of internships before choosing an occupation. The students were interested and asked questions. The vocational education ambassadors made it clear to their audience that a dual vocational education and training programme provides the chance of faster integration into professional life.

According to BBQ vocational education and training co-ordinator Klaus Konrad, this path does not necessarily present a disadvantage compared to sixth form graduates in obtaining a good job.

Source: badische-zeitung.de, revised by iMOVE, March 2014