Mama is an apprentice

Sarah Jagemann was 19 when she had her twins. As such, a joyful event. But difficult in the period of launching yourself into a career. A regular vocational education and training course of 40 hours per week was impossible with two small children. But an apprenticeship with reduced numbers of hours – that was an option.

Several coincidences ultimately led the young woman, today an office communication assistant, to the Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschland (CJW – Christian Association of Youth Villages of Germany). "There, they helped me with applications; I was prepared for job interviews." And she was given the opportunity of receiving vocational education and training at the German Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Part time, 25 hours per week. The young woman worked five hours per day; this gave her sufficient time for her twins. The apprenticeship continued for three years. Subsequently, Jagemann was given a permanent contract, likewise on a part-time basis. "Now, I work 30 hours", says the 26-year-old mother.

"The option of part-time vocational training is aimed especially at young parents or apprentices with a family responsibility, who, for example, provide care for a relative", explains Annette Land. She is a research associate at the Jobstarter programme in Bonn. At present, mostly young people make use of this programme.

There are two options for applying for a part-time apprenticeship. The traditional method: directly contacting the businesses and applying for an apprenticeship placement – and commenting that one wishes to be apprenticed part-time because of the family situation. The alternative: to be presented to a business providing vocational education and training by various institutions such as the CJW. The employment agencies are well versed in this. Those thinking about a part-time apprenticeship are well advised to first go there for information.

In particularly large enterprise are open to the possibility of part-time vocational education and training, because they have had good experiences with this model, reports Hans Joachim Beckers, Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Division Manager for Vocational Training and Continuing Education. "The basis for part-time vocational education and training is the option of shortening the daily or weekly apprenticeship time in the event of legitimate interest as set down in the Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBiG – Vocational Training Act)", he explains. A vocational education and training model with a working time between 20 and 30 hours per week has proven the best. Many apprentices manage to take the examinations within the regular training period. As needs be, they can choose to prolong the training period. "At the same time, vocational college lessons take place in unchanged full-time format", explains Beckers. Both the vocational education curriculum and the final examination remain the same also for part-time apprentices. Sometimes, the salary that apprentices get can be a problem", says Annette Land. "Apprenticeship pay can be reduced."

So far, only few apprentices learn and train according to this model. In 2011, only 0.2 per cent of young people nationwide had an apprenticeship contract with reduced number of hours. More recent numbers are not yet available.

"A lot of educational work is required to raise awareness, to remove fears and prejudices." At the same time, these young people bring with them a lot of skills, which their colleagues fresh from school often as yet lack. "Mothers and fathers have an increased motivation and usually are very determined", says Beckers. Land, too, emphasises the fact that these part-time apprentices have a greater degree of maturity and a lot of social competence. "They are very committed; after all, they want to be a model for their children."

Source:, revised by iMOVE, April 2014