"Coaching 4 Future" was the slogan of the programme attended by tenth-grade students at the educational centre Parkschule. This consisted of an interactive lecture on vocational education and training in the fields of mathematics, computer sciences, natural sciences and technology.
During such method days, which take place at Parkschule twice a year, "students are supposed to learn so-called key qualifications. These include, for example, the ability to work in a team and to present something in an interesting manner", said teacher Eva Schlipf, who was given responsibility for the organisation of the career day and organisational development of the method days. "In addition, we invite external experts, who augment our work at the school", added Reinhard Großmüller, headmaster of the educational centre.
Cathrin Brinkmann and Susanne Fries, both master's degree graduates of study courses in the natural sciences, had prepared a multi-media presentation. To provide orientation within the occupational field, they chose connecting aspects from the realm of experience of the students: supermodel, football and computer games. "Today we shall look at the question: which professions do we need to make this possible?", Fries announced.
The supermodel parades down the cat walk – so far, so good. But what knowledge does the biologist concocting the cosmetics for her have to have? The tenth-graders looked into these and other questions. According to their areas of interest, the youths decided to delve deeper into the topics of either "Helping People" or "Lifestyle".
For the next two hours, the class occupied itself with magnetic nanoparticles for cancer treatment, prosthetics that are connected to the human brain and t-shirts that absorb sweat marks. "Actually, I already know that one day I want to work for customs. But it is interesting to learn about the background of these technical projects", said Selim Uzundal, student at the educational centre. Most students in the class seem to already have a plan for where their journey will lead them: "I want to start work in the crafts. But even so, it is good to hear all this", commented Joachim Lang from tenth grade.
The career day project is funded by the Stiftung Baden-Württemberg foundation in co-operation with the Federal Employment Agency. It is also designed to counteract the skilled labour shortage in the above-mentioned occupational fields.
When t-shirts absorb sweat marks
Source: schwaebische.de, revised by iMOVE, May 2014