The steering committee of the "Bündnis Duale Berufausbildung" (Dual System Vocational Education and Training Alliance) has met for the first time during an inaugural event.
Some 30 representatives of vocational education institutions had followed the invitation by Frauke Heiligenstadt, Lower Saxony State Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, to attend the kick-off. The "Bündnis Duale Berufsausbildung" is an element in the federal state government's skilled labour initiative and aims at increasing the desirability of dual system vocational education and training and at getting young people without an apprenticeship placement faster into in-company vocational training.
The federal state government sees the need for increased action, because the demographically caused decline in school graduates will further increase the skilled labour shortage that already threatens to affect certain industry sectors. At the same time there is a large number of young people who continue to face difficulties in making the transition to vocational education and training in spite of the overall favourable situation in the apprenticeship market.
Dual system vocational training alliance
Source: Lower Saxony state government,, revised by iMOVE, October 2014