Germany and Chile intend to expand their co-operation in the raw material and energy sector as well as in the field of vocational education and training. After talks with the Chilean president Michelle Bachelet at the chancellery in Berlin, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the raw material sector is a field in which Germany and Chile "can closely co-operate".
Both countries have established a forum for mining and mineral raw materials, which by now has taken place for the third time. Merkel said that she spoke with Bachelet also about a potential co-operation in the field of renewable energy as well as about the acceptance of infrastructure projects.
Bachelet said that renewable energy is of vital interest to her country; here, Germany can pass on its experience. Support is required also in promoting small and medium-sized enterprises. Bachelet expressed her desire for more German investments in her country. She said that in her talks with Merkel she made it clear that Chile is a "reliable country with clear rules", where investments are well protected.
Merkel assured Bachelet of "intensive" support in the modernisation of the treaty of association between Chile and the European Union (EU) as desired by Chile. Also, Germany will support Chile in the reforms it plans. Merkel said that Bachelet presented her with a comprehensive reform agenda, ranging from constitutional reforms to reforms in the field of education.
With regards to the energy sector, Merkel announced Germany's support in reforming the vocational education and training provision in Chile. The German chancellor said that the corresponding extra-occupational training is important in the field of raw materials. "Chile suffers from a shortage of technically trained young people. We spoke about the fact that, in addition to university education, vocational education and training, too, can be a very important field of education." Here, she said, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Chemnitz already is active in Chile.
The Chancellor praised the intensive co-operation between Chilean and German universities and research institutions. Currently, 820 Chilean students study in Germany. "We could easily welcome more", said Merkel. According to the Chilean president, ten of her fellow countrymen and -women study at the Bergakademie Freiberg, where Bachelet will be awarded an honorary doctorate on Tuesday. Bachelet said that she wants to improve education in her country. "We want to learn about the successful German education model, the dual system of vocational education and training and technical occupational training."
Closer co-operation with Chile planned in the raw material sector
Source: Donaukurier Regional Newspaper,, revised by iMOVE, December 2014