The new regulation reflects the modern demands placed on the occupation. With their work, galvanisers protect assets worth billions from corrosion. Innovation is one of their strengths. This must be reflected also in the master craftsman examination of the galvanising trade.
The services rendered by the galvanising technology not only contribute to the improved utilisation of valuable resources; these days, the related processes are also very much focused on energy efficiency and protection of the environment. This, in particular, is a key aspect of the new master craftsman examination regulation. It came into force on 1 January 2015.
The trade of galvaniser is an unrestricted trade. This means that - in contrast to the restricted trades - a successfully completed examination for the master craftsman diploma is not obligatory for working as a self-employed craftsperson in this trade. This "voluntary" master craftsman diploma is proof of a special degree of qualification compared to other self-employed tradesmen and -women in the galvanising trade and, at the same time, constitutes a reliable hallmark of excellence for the customers, denoting the best craftsmanship and customer focus.
The first trade-related galvanising technologies emerged in the 19th century. The pioneers mostly used the galvanising or electroplating process of creating a metal coating by applying electric current to cover medals, jewellery and objects of art in thin layers of gold, silver and copper.
The scope of tasks in the approximately 470 galvanising businesses has much changed since then. These days, the galvanising technology comprises a multitude of finishing processes that provide materials made of metal or plastic with exactly defined surface characteristics, for example, wear protection, corrosion resistance, hardness, chemical resistance and shine with an attractive surface aesthetic. Even modern electronics and computer technology are inconceivable without the galvaniser's contribution. Today's development has been made possible only by the production of galvanised circuit boards.
New master craftsman examination regulation for the galvanising trade
Source: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy,, revised by iMOVE, January 2015