The German Federal Employment Agency plans to introduce the instrument of "assisted vocational training" in the context of its initiative "Betriebliche Ausbildung hat Vorfahrt" (In-company training comes first).
"The DIHK supports the idea of 'assisted vocational training'", said Esther Hartwich, Head of the Vocational Education and Training Department at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). She stressed that the idea of supporting young people during an in-company apprenticeship is by far more preferable than an external or vocational college training provision. "The more young people we get into in-company apprenticeships, the better."
However, Hartwich added, different arrangements, partner and funding methods ought to be possible depending on the federal state and region. She made it clear that businesses "cannot be the repair shops for damages caused by the general education school system and the parental homes". "After all, the businesses already show their commitment by taking on weaker students as apprentices and paying them full wages."
The DIHK vocational education and training expert highlighted the "VerA" initiative by the Senior Experten Service zur Verhinderung von Ausbildungsabbrüchen (Senior Expert Service SES for the prevention of apprenticeship dropouts; as a good example of assisted vocational training. In the scope of this programme, unpaid pensioners with practical professional experience in certain occupational fields support the young apprentices.
Hartwich: "This can sometimes be differently beneficial compared to the work of social education workers, who are less familiar with business practice." She reports that approximately 5,500 young people sought help at SES since the programme was launched; about 3,800 young people have been supported since 2009.
DIHK praises "assisted vocational training"
Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce,, revised by iMOVE, March 2015