Education is the basis for success in the job

With its "Dialog Schule/Wirtschaft" (Dialogue School/Industry), the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce attempts to establish early contact between businesses and young talent.

The German dual system of vocational education and training, which combines school-based lessons with the acquisition of practical knowledge through in-company training, enjoys an excellent reputation and has become an internationally copied model.

In order to win over as many suitable youths as possible for a dual system vocational education and training course, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and its "Dialog Schule/Wirtschaft" establish early contact between businesses providing vocational training and their potential young talent. Lectures and the facilitation of work placements help pupils from the ninth form onwards to look into the issue of choosing a prospective occupation. Career guidance fairs and the internet-based apprenticeship platform provide answers to many questions.

The Hanseatische Lehrstellenbörse (Hanseatic Apprenticeship Exchange) that takes place annually in September at the Chamber of Commerce premises is ideal for establishing personal contact. In the past year, 13,000 interested pupils used this opportunity to gather information about some 140 businesses providing vocational training. In addition, since last year, an apprentice 'speed dating' service connects young applicants and training supervisors from the businesses. Following a ten-minute rhythm, the school graduates can introduce themselves to various businesses by way of short interviews.

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce is active not only in promoting contact, but also with regards to the education for young people. Each year, the "Schulpreis der Hamburger Wirtschaft" (School Award of the Hamburg Industry) awards the best career guidance projects. The "Tecnopedia" internet platform helps to strengthen pupils' skills in the STEM subjects (STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The "Faszination Schiff" (Fascination Ship) project aims at awakening and developing interest in technical issues already in ten- to twelve-year olds.

To help teachers to provide even better career guidance support for their pupils, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the school board have been organising the project "Lehrerbetriebspraktikum – Innenansichten" (Teacher Work Placement – Inside Views) for almost 20 years: teachers sit in on work processes in businesses and thereby experience first hand what the industry expects of school graduates.

Even so, not all school graduates fulfil the necessary requirements for a smooth and direct entry into the dual vocational education and training system. The entry qualification (EQ) has proven to be a successful support measure for this target group; a six- to twelve-month work placement helps to prepare these youths for a subsequent vocational education and training programme. More than 80 per cent of EQ graduates manage to find an apprenticeship placement after this.

This qualification particularly helps to integrate young people with a migration background into the labour market, for usually these account for more than half of all EQ participants.

The introduction of economy as an independent school subject has been a long-standing demand of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. Because this has not been so far implemented in the local curricula, the chamber established the "Junge Akademie" (Young Academy) some years ago, where sixth formers and apprentices can complete a two-year course in economy.

Source: Article in newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt,, revised by iMOVE, May 2015