Young entrepreneurs support youths

Wirtschaftsjunioren celebrate 2,000 opportunities for disadvantaged youths – "Ein Tag Azubi" (Apprentice for a Day) event promotes dual system vocational education and Training

The Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland (JCI - Junior Chamber International Germany) have celebrated the milestone of 2,000 opportunities provided by the enterprises within their association to support disadvantaged young people in their career entry. The young entrepreneurs and business leaders have further expanded their commitment since 2014: 2,000 opportunities, that is, 2,000 specific supporting measures such as company visits, job application trainings and work placements, which they have implemented in the context of the project "JUGEND STÄRKEN: 1000 Chancen" (STRENGTHENING YOUTHS: 1,000 Opportunities) in co-operation with the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Their close co-operation with youth social work institutions on site enables "individual coaching sessions as well as business experience days where youths get to find out about the practical aspects of certain occupations", explains Daniel Senf, National President of Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland – JCI Germany. With its annual theme for 2015, 'Bildung schafft Integration' (Education creates Integration), the Junior Chamber International Germany intends to contribute to reinforcing the culture of welcome in Germany. "We are particularly delighted that the project provides also many youths with a migration background with access to the economy and the topic of vocational education and Training", emphasises Senf, who is a young entrepreneur himself.

Already for the second time, the young entrepreneurs' and business leader's association is organising the nationwide event day "Ein Tag Azubi" (Apprentice for a Day), which will take place on 30 September. On that day, they will open the doors of their businesses for young people who want to learn about the daily routine of an apprentice. All businesses wishing to take part in the event are invited to register on the website

Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland (WJD – JCI Germany) is the biggest German association of young leaders and entrepreneurs from all industry fields in Germany with more than 10,000 active members under the age of 40. They are responsible for about 300,000 jobs, 35,000 apprenticeship training positions and more than EUR 120 billion total revenue. JCI Germany has been a member of the international organisation Junior Chamber International (JCI) since 1958, an organisation with more than 100 national organisations.

JCI Germany, Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland, the biggest German association of young leaders and entrepreneurs in Germany,, press release, revised by iMOVE, August 2015