Many people fleeing persecution, war and violence are currently seeking refuge in our country. We want to give them the chance to start fresh in Germany and we want them to know that we will make this fresh start together.
However, we also want to help people who have been unemployed in Germany for a long time get a fresh start, too. Our economy is booming and the social security systems are stronger than they have been for a long while. We must now work together to create new opportunities for everyone who is already here as well as for every new arrival.
The demographic trends require us to do so: Today, we have more vacancies than at any time since German Reunification. Over the next few years we will have to replace millions of retiring skilled workers.
It is obvious that we cannot achieve everything overnight. We know that we are facing major challenges. Our goal is that every person can make progress and receive help along the way. Having the courage to cross the starting line is not the same thing as finishing the race. There is a lot of distance to cover, and we will provide the support needed by those who make a fresh start and to their children.
One thing is certain: rights entail obligations. Only those who can speak our language will be able to gain a foothold here. Those availing themselves of the protection and security guaranteed by our Basic Law must also recognize our democratic and liberal constitutional order and live their lives accordingly. And only those who are willing to make an effort can count on the full solidarity and support of the people in Germany.
Together we will decide what our country should look like and what Germany's future will be. The goal is for new arrivals to become our co-workers and our good neighbours. And also for all those who have been searching for work without success to get the opportunity for a fresh start as well.
Everyone with the courage to make a fresh start in Germany deserves a chance.