Skilled trades are an important mainstay

Vocational education and training is a significant key to success. One has to continuously invest into it, because technological progress does not stop. Some businesses particularly excel in this field. They now have been honoured by the Chamber of Crafts.


During a small reception, Karl Arnold, Member of the Executive Board of the Chamber of Crafts Lower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate, has presented some businesses from Upper Palatinate with a certificate honouring their achievements and merits in the field of vocational education and training in the skilled trades.


The honoured businesses are


  • the butchery Grillmeier in Mitterteich,
  • master electrician Michael Dorner from Parkstein,
  • the Kreuzer construction company in Störnstein,
  • the butchery Franz Schedl in Altenstadt
  • and the master painter and decorator Engelbert Schicker from Weiden.


"It is a particularly pleasant occasion to celebrate those who support the success of young talent in the skilled trades in an outstanding manner", said executive board member Karl Arnold.

It is common knowledge that vocational education and training is a key to success, he continued. "This is true for the apprentices and businesses providing vocational training as well as for the Bavarian economy. Businesses who provide training create sustainability not only for their own business", said Arnold.

This is why good vocational education and training for young people is a key issue for the federal state government. The Free State has invested about EUR 32 million in vocational education and training in the skilled trades.

This commitment, Arnold said, is absolutely necessary, because technological progress affects more and more fields with ever growing intensity. "This is the only way in which businesses in the skilled trades can access new, innovative value chains."

The training supervisors make young career entrants aware of how attractive and diversified vocational education and training in the skilled trades can be.

"This is all the more important given the background of the demographic change. The dual system of vocational education and training is well able to compete with academic lines of occupation. Vocational education and training is one of the two important mainstays of our economy, which ought to be perceived as such once again by the public", demanded training advisor Michael Knauer from the Chamber of Crafts in Weiden.

Source: News platform Oberpfalznetz,, press article, revised by iMOVE, August 2015