BIBB welcomes bids for the development of a global overview.
The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and UNESCO-UNEVOC share common goals in the promotion of technical and vocational education and training (TVET).
As part of a collaborative research project they aim to develop a comparative knowledge base with regard to the character and relevance of work-based learning on a global scale.
In this context BIBB awards a contract which is entitled "Mapping the research about work-based learning from a global TVET perspective - a literature review".
The purpose is to take stock of the existing research by applying a comparative approach that is sensitive to cultural contexts on regional and national levels.
National as well as international studies have to be identified and mapped in order to get a picture of the tendencies, strengths and weaknesses of TVET research in this field as well as its geographical distribution.
This global overview should help to identify central subject areas to be discussed in further activities of the project.
Bids must be received by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training by 14th of April 2016.