Ready-steady-go for Interreg Project “German-Danish Competence Centre”

German-Danish Competence Centre: an initiative bringing together initial and advanced training stakeholders for strategic cooperation


The aim of the project is to improve opportunities for cross border training and give companies access to a wider pool of skilled workers in the future. A joint vocational education forum is charged with clearing away obstacles to cross border mobility for vocational education and training, obstacles which are to be identified during this Interreg project.

An agreement between the governments of Schleswig-Holsteins and Denmark is intended to strengthen and facilitate cooperation on vocational education and training too.

This project was mentioned specifically in the agreement and can count on political support. The motivation for the Flensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce is clear:

"Our concern as the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Flensburg is to strengthen and further develop the area as a location for businesses. Ensuring there will be enough young, qualified, skilled workers, including through innovative concepts such as bi-national vocational education and training, is very important for our local companies. By setting up this competence centre, we've taken a decisive step in the right direction," said chamber president Uwe Möser.

Chamber of Industry and Commerce Flensburg will not only be working with its partners toward mutual recognition of training, but also on designing German-Danish training to be offered with two, equally valid certificates and cross border opportunities for advanced training.

Over the next four years, schools and companies are going to work together closely to exchange knowhow. The Flensburg chamber is looking forward to positive cooperation with vocational schools and piquing the interest of industry across the region.

Restaurant trainees were first sent from Denmark on placements in German companies in August 2013. More followed in fields including retail, office work, commercial vehicle mechanics and animal husbandry.

"As a business location, this area perfectly positioned to look further afield, or indeed across the border, in order to develop future-proof models for vocational education and training. This is the opportunity we have seized together with our project partners; we want to help make vocational education and training more attractive by making good use of our excellent relations with our Danish neighbours," said Dr. Michael Schack, head of initial and further training at the Flensburg chamber.

Source: Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the state of Schleswig-Holstein,, revised by iMOVE, February 2016