The Centre of Excellence for Securing Skilled Workers (KOFA), which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), has conducted a study entitled "Occupations with upgrading training – between skilled worker shortages and digitalisation". This arrives at the conclusion that Germany is suffering from an increasing lack of skilled workers who have completed upgrading training, such as master craftsmen, technicians and certified senior clerks.
Iris Gliecke, small and medium-sized enterprises Representative of the Federal Government, said: "The shortage of skilled workers is becoming an increasing problem, especially for small and medium-sized companies. For this reason, we have introduced a whole series of support measures in the present legislative period, including the launch of the Alliance for Initial and Continuing Training.
We want to make it clear to young people just what opportunities are available if they complete advanced training leading to a qualification as master craftsman, technician or certified senior clerk. This is the best protection against unemployment and offers very good earnings prospects. Skilled workers with an advanced training qualification currently have the lowest risk of becoming unemployed.
Companies can support staff pursuing advanced training by granting time off or by helping with the costs of courses and examinations. This enables them to develop motivated and qualified skilled workers and achieve a stronger degree of staff loyalty at the same time."
In March 2016, there were shortages in 35 of 102 skilled worker occupations. In August 2011, this was only the case in 22 occupations. The South of Germany is worst affected by skilled worker shortages, especially in the fields of healthcare, social services and education, and in the metal and electrical industries.
The study illustrates three ways of alleviating these shortages. Firstly, companies can provide even greater support for the continuing training of persons who have completed vocational education and training. The proportion of the labour force in possession of an advanced training qualification has scarcely risen over recent years despite increasing shortages.
Secondly, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular should give greater attention to the opportunities afforded by digitalisation. Computers and computer-operated machines can reduce the burden on specialists by providing support for some of their activities.
Thirdly, supply of and demand for skilled workers need to be collated better. Especially in the South of the country, skilled workers are frequently desperately being sought whilst in the East not all qualified persons are able to find a job. Potential is offered here via vehicles such as fostering worker mobility and expanding company recruitment pathways across regions.
Using upgrading training to counter the skilled worker shortage
Further information
The BMWi provides support in this regard via numerous funding programmes, such as the "Precise Recruitment" scheme operated by the chambers or by assisting with the recognition of foreign professional and vocational qualifications via the BQ Portal.
Source: (news portal of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy), revised by iMOVE, November 2016