Better financial support for trainees

Significantly higher rates for vocational education and training assistance and training benefit with effect from 1 August 2016. Trainees undertaking dual vocational education and training or a vocational preparation scheme will have noticeably more money in their pockets in future.

Payment rates and earnings thresholds for vocational education and training assistance and training benefit will rise by about seven percent. The allowance made for accommodation is even being boosted by up to twelve percent specifically in order to take rising rents into account.

Trainees should notice a significant improvement in their financial situation. The highest rate payable for living costs including accommodation during vocational education and training will, for example, increase from €572 to €622. Additional allowances may also be available for items such as work clothing or travel costs.

Assistance paid is usually set off against the training allowance and the income of spouses, civil partners and parents. Training benefit is paid to young people with a disability who are completing training or vocational preparation specifically aimed at disabled persons.

Those undertaking introductory training can also expect more money in future. The employment agencies and Job Centres will now be able to give grants of up to €231 to employers. The previous limit was €216.

In overall terms, extra funding of €62 million will be available. This will be provided on a pro rata basis for the rest of 2016.

Source: (news portal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), revised by iMOVE, November 2016