From trainee to plant manager

120 young people are currently training in the aircraft factory. With the 'baby boomer' generations retiring, new skilled workers will be needed in the future.

Those training in the Premium Aerotec aircraft factory in Einswarden are therefore able to lay the foundations for a range of career opportunities. This includes careers from Chair of the Works Council to Plant Manager. Dr. Jens Walla made reference to this at the anniversary celebrating "60 years of training in aircraft manufacturing" in Einswarden.

Since 1 April 1957, over 1,900 young people have successfully completed their vocational education and training in the Einswarden aircraft plant. Jens Walla emphasises that Premium Aerotec will strive, with no less energy, to continue to provide good training.

He explains that this is also necessary as around 1000 new employees will be required in 10 to 15 years due to the age-related departures of the baby boomer generations. Olaf Heinrichs, Vocational Training Manager at the Nordenham plant, describes this location as one of the most attractive training companies in the north west. He also welcomed 10 former apprentices to the anniversary celebrations who started their training in Einswarden in 1957.

120 young people are currently being trained by Premium Aerotec in the Einswarden plant. Philipp Böckmann (20), chair of the young people and trainee representation, confirmed to the NWZ newspaper on Friday that the training is high quality. He added also that there was very good collaboration between the interest group and the training managers.

Source: (website of the newspaper NWZ), revised by iMOVE, August 2017