Report on the 2017 Recognition Act is now also available in English

An English translation of the Report on the Recognition Act (2017) is now available. In addition to a detailed overview of 5 years of monitoring implementation of the Federal Government's Recognition Act, this report also includes an outline of the findings from the evaluation of the act. This highlights the positive effect of the Recognition Act.

The demand for the professional recognition of foreign qualifications has grown steadily since the act entered into force in 2012. The current recognition report investigates the causes of this positive development and the success factors, and addresses future challenges.

The Report on the Recognition Act has been published annually by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2014. In collaboration with the Recognition Monitoring Team at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the key facts and figures relating to the recognition procedure are published in these reports. The reports are also used to outline key findings from the academic support for the implementation of the recognition act.

Source: (German web portal on the recognition of education achievements), revised by iMOVE, January 2018