On 15 March 2018, 17 young people received their training and IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) certificates at ZEISS in Jena.
They have spent the past three and a half years at the Jenaer Bildungszentrum – Schott, Carl Zeiss, Jenoptik training centre (JBZ), working hard to become industrial mechanics, precision optics engineers, mechatronics engineers and physics lab technicians. "We are delighted that most of the offers we were able to make this year were for permanent contracts", said Hellmuth Aeugle, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH, who gave the official speech and welcomed the new employees on behalf of all ZEISS companies. He also praised the young skilled workers for the excellent practical performance they had shown during their training.
“For the first time ever, one of our graduates achieved a mark of 100 per cent in the practical exam”, said Aeugle as he handed over the certificate and congratulated new industrial mechanic Lucas Hesse on this achievement. Physics lab technician Paul Möschel received the best mark overall in this training year.
Aeugle also noted the great commitment Möschel had shown to his training, since the low number of places available in Thuringia and Saxony meant he had to attend a vocational school 130 kilometres away in Selb, Bavaria. As a result, ZEISS had been able to train an employee in this particular profession for the first time again after a three-year break.
Each year, an average of 20 apprentices and four students from the Duale Hochschule Gera-Eisenach university begin training programmes lasting three or three and a half years at ZEISS in Jena. Apprentices with ZEISS in Jena receive their practical training in-house.