Germany's Federal Minister of Education and Research aims at a greater degree of internationalisation for the vocational education and training system
Directly after the start of the new legislative period, Federal Minister of Education and Research Annette Schavan paid a visit to the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Bonn, where she held discussions with senior management.
The talks centred on the vocational training policy resolutions contained within the coalition agreement and on implementing policy over the course of the next four years. The main focuses of attention were the situation on the training market and a greater degree of internationalisation for the vocational education and training system.
Within this context, Schavan announced her intention of bringing before cabinet key issues relating to the recognition of vocational qualifications acquired abroad, her aim being to ensure that a transparent process was in place for the recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany.
Schavan made reference to the coalition agreement concluded by the new Federal Government in elaborating on the main initial and continuing training focuses to be addressed in the near future. She reaffirmed the objective of continuing to offer training leading to a vocational qualification for every willing and capable young person. She stated that even though the training balance for 2009 had been pleasing – notwithstanding the economic crisis – action needed to be taken to foster the attractiveness, quality and flexibility of the dual training system, especially in the light of the decrease in the number of training place applicants occasioned by demographic developments in Germany.
Schavan: "Quality pact for training in Germany"
Annette Schavan
Source: News Release by the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB), December 2009, revised by iMOVE