The new occupational designation Milchtechnologe/Milchtechnologin (Milk Technologist) reflects the dairy industry's growing mechanisation in the production and processing of milk and dairy products such as butter, cheese and yoghurt.
The new training regulations which the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) developed together with social partners and experts on behalf of the German government will go into effect on August 1, 2010 and replace the "old" occupation Diary Specialist. The main areas of focus during the three-year training programme are control technology for the entire production process, the monitoring of the individual production steps, and hygiene standards. Individuals with this training are able to work not only in milk-processing operations but also for gourmet food, beverage and confectionery manufacturers.
Milk technologists prepare the sensitive raw material - starting with the receipt and testing of milk deliveries - for production and use specific recipes and standards to manufacture dairy products. As a rule, milk technologists do not have direct contact with the starting product – milk. For example, milk technologists set up, commission and service separators, ripening vats and filling and packaging plants. Milk technologists must also have a sound knowledge of company quality assurance systems and be well-versed in staff, product and industrial hygiene.
New vocational training in the dairy industry
Source: News Release by the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB), revised by iMOVE, February 2010