Projects such as Ina and "Trade and industry integrates" aim to provide them with the right preparation. Over 700 migrants are training in a craft trades occupation.
By the end of August 2017, a total of 754 refugees had begun training in a craft trades occupation in Hesse. The trainees concerned originate from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria, and most have arrived in the federal state over the past two years.
This figure was publicised by the Rhine-Main Chamber of Crafts and Trades on the occasion of a visit to the Frankfurt Vocational Education and Training and Technology Centre by Hesse's Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU).
At the centre, a group of refugees is taking part in the "Integration via Dual Training" project (Ina). "The refugees are highly motivated and keen to succeed,” said Bouffier. He found this encouraging and positive, especially given the fact that so many companies are seeking skilled workers.
In addition to those who have entered training, just over 200 refugees have participated in introductory training. This is a vehicle which companies use to enable young people to enter full training.
"Trade and industry integrates" is a further programme aimed at encouraging refugees into training. More than 1,000 young people have completed a vocational orientation programme or qualified to commence training.
Around 110,000 young people have fled to Hesse in the last two years. 75,000 of these have remained in the federal state.
754 refugees in training
Source: (news article in the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau), revised by iMOVE, December 2017