Special Focus: iMOVE Trend Barometer - German training providers expect further growth for the export of training services

According to the iMOVE Trend Barometer, the future prospects for the export of training services from Germany look bright. The survey is conducted annually among 100 top managers of German vocational education and training organisations and is the primary source of data regarding international activities of German training providers.

The objective of the survey is to gather the latest market data in order to estimate the current scale of internationalisation of the German education and training sector and to forecast future trends.

The most important export market for German training providers is currently China, followed by the neighbor countries Austria and Switzerland as well as Russia. The training providers believe that India, Vietnam and Brasil are highly interesting markets on the rise. They hope to acquire new business partners mainly in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

The printed version of the study in German is available free of charge on request at iMOVE or as a free download at: iMOVE website for German providers, content area "Know-how".

iMOVE Trend Barometer

The study in German is available free of charge on request or as a free download at the iMOVE website For German providers, Know-how.