The Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology start a new information campaign under the heading "Vocational Education and Training – practically unbeatable". It aims at emphasizing the attractiveness of a dual vocational training and the manifold opportunities of further training to a larger public.
Among the promotion measures are a new website, posters and advertisements, publications and expert meetings on vocational training and the targeted use of social media. Furthermore, infomobiles will travel throughout Germany in order to discuss the topic directly with citizens. The campaign will end in 2013. A highlight will be the world championship for vocational training called "WorldSkills" in Leipzig, which will take place in the summer of 2013 and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
According to Minister Dr. Annette Schavan, "the German vocational training system offers a great variety of opportunities including good income and interesting career perspectives." Minister Dr. Philipp Rösler highlights that, "only enough and qualified staff can keep our economy competitive so that we can retain our high level of growth and employment. We must make better use of our potentials by integrating young people effectively into the labour market and by offering support for experienced staff to adopt new qualifications and find new career opportunities."
Vocational education and training is practically unbeatable
Source: Press release of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, revised by iMOVE, November 2011