Each day everybody uses countless services provided by the crafts and trade. Be it in the morning while having a shower, during breakfast, on the way to work, in the pursuit of leisure activities and even while sleeping. To this end, almost five million craftspeople from about a million businesses perform with top efficiency every day.
Reason enough to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements. And it was just that taking place on September 3rd during the first nationwide Day of Crafts and Trade.
Under the motto "Germany is Handmade", trade organisations and crafts and trade businesses all over the country stressed the progressiveness, diversity and creativity of this industry sector. The Day of Crafts and Trade illustrates that "our modern life is not conceivable without crafts and trade", said Otto Kentzler, President of the Zentralstelle für die Weiterbildung im Handwerk (ZDH – Central Office for Continuing Education in Crafts and Trade).
"Germany is Handmade" - September 3, 2011 was the Day of Crafts and Trade!
Source: q-zwh.de, revised by iMOVE, November 2011