The pilot initiative DECVET, currently in its testing phase, aims at rendering comparable with each other the knowledge, capabilities and competences acquired at different institutions in Germany.
This is to be achieved by way of a credit point system of vocational training in Germany. On the basis of the European credit point system ECVET, which is to enable transnational acknowledgement of qualifications acquired in vocational training and continuing education, DECVET pursues the goal of developing and testing a credit point system within the German context. Learning results and competences are to be more efficiently registered and translated within the vocational training system and rendered creditable from one field of training to the next. The permeability of the system is to be increased both on the horizontal level as well as on the vertical level, that is, also between different levels of education.
Pilot initiative DECVET: Credit point system for German vocational training
Source:, revised by iMOVE, December 2011