In German enterprises "Mobile Learning" is about to become the main pillar of digital learning - in addition to "Blended Learning", which is regarded as having the greatest significance for continuing education within enterprises also in the future. This is the result of the trend study MMB Learning Delphi 2011.
A central result of this expert evaluation is that enterprises will continue to focus on the combination of traditional continuing education and e-learning also in the future. As in the previous years, "Blended Learning" ranges top of the list of promising forms of learning. Following right behind, the category "Mobile / Apps", that was newly adopted in 2011, made second place at first go. Three quarters of experts questioned consider mobile forms of learning as learning technologies promising success.
Once more, the experts were also asked to spontaneously name e-learning trends without being given any clues. According to this enquiry, "Mobile Learning" constitutes the by far most important future trend. "Social Media" are likewise attributed a shining future, followed by "Game Based Learning / Serious Games" (third rank of the trend list).
Mobile learning continues growth
Source:, revised by iMOVE, December 2011