The Chamber of Industry and Commerce East-Westphalia in Bielefeld (IHK) now has issued its new vocational training map 2012. IHK President Ortwin Goldbeck and IHK Managing Director Vocational Education Swen Binner have symbolically presented Andrea Prochnau, Head of the School, and pupils at the Bosse School in Bielefeld with the first copies.
In Goldbeck's opinion the vocational training map constitutes an important guideline for pupils, "we live in a world of abundant information regarding vocational education. Our vocational training map guides the young people through the diversity of information and serves to support them in choosing the right occupation. Because of the significantly increased number of vocational training job offers this year, the young people face much better chances. Even so, I advise the young people not only to insist on their dream job but to also show interest in occupational alternatives and vocational training placements within a greater geographical radius."
The map provides an up-to-date list of the IHK businesses offering vocational training in the district of East-Westphalia-Lippe, organised according to occupational profiles and region. In addition, applicants are given topical information on the individual IHK vocational training occupations as well as on terms used in the dual vocational training system. Moreover, the map contains information on choosing a profession, on how to write a job application including a curriculum vitae as well as on job interviews.
The 264 pages strong, free-of-charge brochure has been mailed to all schools of general education in East-Westphalia.
Vocational training map 2012 presented
Source:, revised by iMOVE, December 2011