Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), has described the agreement between the Federal Government, the federal states and the social partners on the introduction of the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) as an "important milestone" for vocational education and training in Germany.
"This is the first time that the equivalence of academic and vocational education has been clearly and unequivocally stated", he explained, "and represents a decisive stage of reform along the route to an integrated educational system. In future, master craftsmen and technicians will join those with Bachelor degrees at the same DQR reference level." Professor Esser also believes that vocational training will now finally be accorded the degree of esteem which reflects its status and significance for the German educational and economic system.
Today's decision will have a lasting influence on the development of our educational system and bring a whole host of positive consequences in its wake for both trade and industry and society", Esser continued.
He also feels that the introduction of the DQR will assist in improving transparency and permeability between vocational and academic education, and expressed the good news of the day for young people in the following terms. "Pursuing dual vocational education and training does not close the door to opportunity in any way. In future, vocational training followed by advanced training leading to qualifications such as master craftsman, technician or business economist will facilitate progression from Level 3 or 4 up to the highest levels of the German Qualifications Framework and enable the achievement of qualifications which are equivalent in comparison to academic education."
As far as Esser is concerned, the main task now facing BIBB and vocational training is to take a "robust" approach which is consistent with the "logic of the DQR" in adjusting the contents of future initial and advanced training regulations towards competence orientation and aligning such content to the relevant reference levels.
The DQR represents the implementation at a national level of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Establishment of a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning of April 2008. The aims of the Qualifications Framework are to increase mobility on the European labour market and make the European Education Area more transparent.