Information tour promotes vocational education and training

Over the period of the next six months, three "Infomobiles" will be travelling all across Germany to provide information as regards the opportunities provided by vocational training and continuing education.


With this information tour, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry of Economics an Technology intend to communicate and promote the desirability of the dual vocational training system and the opportunities inherent in occupational continuing education. The tour started on the 9th of May in Berlin.


"The combination of taught theory and its practical application within a business has made vocational education and training a success model of the German education system", said Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU).


The information tour is intended to raise awareness as regards the strengths of the dual vocational training system and the multitude of attractive propositions in this field.


"These days, a professional career can be achieved also without a university course by way of an initial dual vocational training and consecutive occupational continuing education, in particular in professions and industries offering a secure future. Conveying this message is the information tour's fundamental purpose."


At the respective locations, information is provided regarding occupations and industries offering a secure future, good promotion opportunities and the precise demand on part of local industries.


The tour's vehicles are going to stop over in some 30 cities. These vehicles, called "Infomobil", were designed by creative apprentices and young skilled workers from Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg, whose design drafts were chosen from amongst those of numerous participants in a cross-federal competition.


The information tour is part of the joint information offensive "Berufliche Bildung - Praktisch unschlagbar" (Vocational training - Practically unbeatable) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

Source:, revised by iMOVE, August 2012