Vocational training and education without limits

In the eyes of Olaf Koch, Chairman of the Board at Metro AG, the corporation's investment in the field of education and continuing education is a "challenge". The topic of "International Education" and the shortage of skilled labour were central topics at the "Mittwochsgesellschaft des Handels" (Wednesday Association of Commerce) in Berlin.


The event provided guests from the world of industry and politics with the opportunity to discuss matters with Dr Annette Schavan, the German Federal Minister of Education. She termed the internationalisation of educational systems a "central task" in Europe. She said that the comparability of standards and degrees has to be further promoted.


The creation of a "European educational region" strengthens the future prospects of the young generation, said Schavan. She continued to say, this requires a pact for vocational education and training aiming at providing every young person with the opportunity of an internship, an apprenticeship or another form of career entry.


Schavan stressed that the establishment of vocational education and training in the countries of Europe is indispensable and that Spain, Greece, Portugal and Finland had already expressed their interest.

Source: lebensmittelzeitung.net, revised by iMOVE, December 2012