Awarding of home economics master craftsman certificates

Katrin Altpeter, Social Affairs Minister of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg, perceives home economics as an occupation for the future and therefore campaigns for greater social acknowledgement of the home economics professions.


Given the demographic development, our society is increasingly dependent on well-trained staff in the social and home economics professions, the minister explained. However, the population continues to often neglect the acknowledgement these occupations deserve. Minister Altpeter thinks it is high time to change this for the better.


The festive event on occasion of awarding the home economics master craftsman certificates, that took place in Stuttgart in late 2012, provided a suitable opportunity for doing so. In the presence of 250 guests, the minister awarded 43 women, who had successfully passed their final exams, with their master craftsman certificates. Six master craftswomen were awarded an additional prize by the minister in honour of their finishing best of their class. "Our society needs you, your expert knowledge and your professionalism as home economics executives", said the minister in her congratulatory speech.


The profession of home economist has significantly changed over the course of the past years. The increasing ageing of the population and the changing social structures have a direct impact on this occupational field. Minister Altpeter: "Home economics long since is far more than 'just' kitchen or service jobs, but includes also business administration and care management."


Increasing demand for qualified personnel in the nursing and social professions


Because of the development of new forms of living in old age care institutions in particular, home economics management and care concepts have evolved to occupy an important status. Altpeter: "More and more old people no longer live in a classical nursing home, but use more individual residential care offers such as flat share for the elderly." In addition to nursing staff, these require professional home economists. "You are the qualified young talent we urgently need", said the minister, addressing the new master craftswomen.


In view of the increasing demand for qualified personnel in the nursing and social professions, Altpeter brought back to memory the information and advertising campaign "Vom Fach – Für Menschen" (Professionals – For People) that was launched last October by the government of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. The campaign is aimed at making the public more acquainted with the services and competences provided by the staff in these professions and thereby help to change the overall attitude towards them throughout society.


At the same time, more people are to be won over to start an apprenticeship in the nursing and social professions and in the occupational field of home economics. The campaign provides information regarding the diverse aspects of the various related occupations and their career potential. Home economics occupations are an important part of this campaign.


In this context, the minister spoke in favour of fair remuneration according to performance in these professions and improved co-operation between the various occupational branches in the field of care and management. "The best campaign is for naught, if the salary does not help feed the family and the working hours cannot be reconciled with family life", Altpeter said, calling on the employers.

Source:, revised by iMOVE, February 2013