Modernised training in the occupation of plant technologist enters into force on 1 August

Who develops and supports the market launch of new plants such as energy or food plants for conventional or organic farming and new varieties of potato or maize? This sensitive area of the food industry is the domain of "plant technologists".

Working on behalf of the Federal Government and acting in conjunction with the social partners and with experts from the field of company practice, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has now updated the regulations governing the three-and-a-half years of training in the occupation. The training comprises a spectrum of diverse activities which will appeal to those with "green fingers" and an interest in technical processes.

The modernised training regulations take into account the technical progress that has been made in the fields of plant breeding, plant propagation and integrated plant protection as well as according due consideration to ecological circumstances. The occupational competences of plant technologists are varied and include the planning, implementation and documentation of experiments and test series, the application of breeding and propagation procedures for the purpose of developing new varieties, the extraction and analysis of samples and the planting, management and harvesting of cultivated plants.

Possible areas of deployment range from seed development to plant protection and field trials and extend to encompass working in research laboratories, nurseries or hothouses. Good career opportunities are available at public institutions and private sector companies involved with plant breeding, in the research and plant propagation sectors and in agricultural and horticultural research laboratories.

Training also connects with a broad selection of advanced and continuing training pathways leading to qualifications such as master gardener, master craftsman in agriculture, agrarian specialist or state-certified technician in agriculture. In addition, the modernised vocational education and training provides connectivity with subject-specific Bachelor courses of study in the field of agriculture and the environment.

Subject to publication in the Federal Law Gazette, the new training regulations will represent the first time that national provisions have been in place for this particular field of activity and will replace the three chamber ordinances for the previous occupation of "agricultural laboratory technician", which date from the years 1942, 1956 and 1964 respectively. A skeleton curriculum for the school-based part of the dual vocational education and training issued by the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) will also be produced for the first time.

Source:, revised by iMOVE, May 2013