Apprenticeship systems and VET policy experimentation under the European Alliance for Apprenticeship

The national vocational education and Training (VET) authorities from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Luxemburg and Switzerland behind this toolbox formed in 2014 a partnership for the development of a structured and evidence based approach promoting the development of apprenticeship and dual VET systems supporting the European alliance of Apprenticeship and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

The aim of the toolbox is to offer a resource base conducive to policy learning, policy experimentation and practice development by collecting and combining the apprenticeship system building blocks from the five countries. The focus is not on one specific system with all its features, it is rather the aim to offer a rich and structured resource base, which can be combined in different ways depending upon the socio-economic characteristics of a particular country and their policy needs.

The toolbox is building on the vast experience from well-developed apprenticeship systems. The five countries have all a long record in developing and running dual based VET systems have very matured apprenticeship systems in place playing an important role for growth, employment and lifelong learning.

Source: (website of the European Alliance for Apprenticeship), revised by iMOVE, April 2017